
Spotify Vs Deezer - Which One Will Win My Ears?

I am HUGE music fan. I have been one all my life. I own approximately 750 CDs and last time I checked I had over 5000 mp3s. You get the drift. I used to buy a lot of music instead of streaming it as services like Songza weren't really available until a few years ago. Since Spotify and Pandora were not able to operate in Canada due to copyright constraints, I first started streaming through Last.FM and I made the switch to Deezer's Premium+ Plan ($4.99 per month) a few months back. If you are interested in trying Deezer now is the time to do it. You can either choose to join with their free "discovery" mode (ads are present) or to get the Premium+ plan at 50% off which is quite a bargain compared to their competitors' prices. Another advantage of choosing the premium plan is that you get access to higher quality audio and unlimited streaming on your web browser and mobile. If you haven't streamed music before I recommend that you give it a try as it wi...

Blythe Dolls 101 - An Introduction To True Love

When you come across something really special you feel the need to shout about it at the top of your lungs so the rest of the world can also know about it - that's exactly how I feel about Blythe dolls. Most of you have probably come across one of these dolls without even realizing it as they have been featured in several major advertisement campaigns. Bottega Veneta window displays featuring life-size Blythe dolls Target campaign featuring Blythe dolls The dolls themselves are of course special but the story behind them is even more so. Take a look at the interview below with Allison Katzman - the toy designer who originally conceived Blythe. Junko Wong is the person who was responsible for bringing Blythe back almost thirty years later - a truly unbelievable story. As I have mentioned in my previous article , my love for dolls is not recent. I have always admired their beauty and since I have a strong passion for fashion (rhyme is coincidental I swear!) I love bei...

Noseless Bicycle Saddles - What You Need To Know

Those who know me in person know that I really enjoy riding my cruiser bike around the Vancouver seawall and the downtown core - our city is filled with beauty and it is truly designed for the ultimate comfort of bicycle fanatics like me. Riding brings back memories of the freedom I  used to experience in my childhood while exploring my neighbourhood in my bike along with my friends. We live in a society in which we spend progressively less time communing with nature and biking is a great alternative to let go of our tech filled lives (besides the occasional Instagram post as we ride of course) - plus, can you think of a better feeling than the warm ocean breeze caressing your face? As we grow older we need to be aware of the benefits but also of the potential side effects any activity we choose to engage in so we can protect our bodies. Biking is no exception. I have a very small testicular cyst and as such riding had been uncomfortable for me over the last couple of years. R...

Can men wear Pandora charm bracelets?

I am a very happy man as I type this as today is Christmas day and I have just finished opening my gifts. Santa must have read my mind this year as I got exactly what I wanted! I won't show you what I got quite yet - I want to finish this story first :) My mother in law has always been a fan of charm bracelets . I must admit that ever since I saw her Pandora one I fell in love with the endless design possibilities and the hundreds of charms one can buy to make each jewellery piece unique and timeless. At first I (like the rest of you I'm sure) assumed that only women could wear charm bracelets. I have been known to push the boundaries when it comes to wearing things that are sometimes labelled as "females only". This was the case when I bought my first bomber jacket with faux fur on the hoodie - at the time only girls were wearing this - fast forward three years and you now see men wearing them everywhere. Another good example is my previous obsession wit...

The 10 Commandments For Instagram Success

Photography is a great communication tool that enables us to say a lot without necessarily "saying" anything. For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed capturing moments through the lens of a camera. I always had mine with me while growing up and my mom can attest to the huge bills she paid to develop my films. I am a fan of beauty and art in all forms but for some reason photography holds a very dear place in my heart. There are only few things I enjoy more than looking through an old album of photos. The memories are so vivid that one is immediately transported back into that exact moment. What I also like about looking at photographs is that they emit a feeling and that such feeling is captured by the person who took the picture but interpreted by whoever looks at it. With the onset of mobile technology my love for photography has only increased as now it is easier than ever to be able to express one's views with the aid of a camera. I still remember the tim...

My Case For Your Follow - Twitter Contest

As most of you know by now I am a complete gadget addict and as such I have already upgraded my iPhone 4 to the new iPhone 5 . I sold most of my protective cases already but I held on to my most special one to give to those who enter my contest on Twitter . Simply follow me ( @angelfclemente ) and retweet the following to your followers: Follow @ angelfclemente & RT this 4 a chance to win a Limited Edition #HelloKitty / #Tokidoki #iPhone Case #case4follow — Angel Clemente (@angelfclemente) September 23, 2012 Good luck to all of you and thanks for continuing to support me and my blog! XO Angel ---- UPDATE - Congrats to the winner!!~

Download Worthy Musical Discoveries

There are very few things in this life that I enjoy more than listening to music on a sunny Saturday morning (like today). Music has been a crucial part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I look back at my life it's almost like listening to a movie's soundtrack - memories blended with their musical counterparts. Every era defined by my ever-changing musical palate... Even though I grew up in Mexico I have always had an inherent attraction to music in Portuguese. In my opinion, Bossa Nova is the sexiest music known to man. I love Brazil in general and for that reason when I heard that they would be performing at Vancouver's Celebration of Light this year I knew I had to be there to experience it live. I must say I was not disappointed. Bossa Nova and Samba rocked the airwaves that night as the sky was filled with amazing fireworks - a truly unique experience! That same night I heard a version of " Mas Que Nada " I was not familiar with. At first I ...